I wrote a few days ago about my parents celebrating 32 years of marriage and how amazing that is. But in actuality they are only about halfway to my grandparents who today are celebrating 60 years of marriage. That's right 60 years together through all the ups and downs, the good times and the hardships, the lost child the 15 grandchildren. 60 years is so amazing and really I have no comprehension of how long that is. I've only been alive 26 years and married for 3; but I hope and pray that Jessica and I can celebrate our 60th anniversary together.
I know I mentioned it a few days ago but I will say it again; there are few things that are more important than marriage. Choosing to love someone forever and spending your entire life with them can make your life incredible and make you happier than you can ever know.
When I look at my grandparents and see them smile and see them helping each other remember where they put their sunglasses (or dark glasses as my grandma says) and see them spending their days together it helps to remind me what is truly important in our lives. When I see them at church together and wrapping Christmas presents or tending their garden or preparing a Thanksgiving dinner for 35 by themselves I'm reminded how important and sacred life is.
I know that they won't be with us forever (none of us are) so I visit and just sit and talk with them and lately I've tried to take more pictures of them. So please go out and take pictures of loved ones and tell them how much you love them...(thanks
Zack for some great inspiration for this.)
My grandparents surprisingly have a pretty nice wedding album which again reminds me of the importance of what Jessica and I do. Here's a few of the two of them from 60 years ago and a few taken more recently...