I was going through some old pictures and this one jumped out at me, so I wanted to share it. It is so important to remember to get out and take pictures when the weather isn't perfect; when it's snowing, or raining, or getting ready to storm. We are getting to that time of year in Colorado when we start having more rain and thunder storms, and that doesn't mean you can't take pictures. Of course make sure you don't get your camera too wet, or you won't be able to take any pictures.

You certainly can't create these kind of ominous clouds, you just have to be in the right place at the right time. However the placement of the trail leads your eye into the storm, and the barrier of trees makes you kind of wonder what lies behind them. I could have placed the trail in the center of the picture, but I think it works better moved to the outer third.
Tell me what you think of this picture, and let me know what you would have done to compose it differently. Have a great day!