Monday, February 25, 2008

Slow Down

I was getting into my car after church this morning and an elderly gentleman was getting into his car which was right next to mine. He apologized for inconveniencing me (which he wasn't) and then said "Us old people don't move so quickly." And I though to myself, why should anyone apologize for moving slowly, especially an elderly gentleman. I quickly told him there was no need to apologize, that I wasn't in a hurry and told him to have a great day.

How often during the day are we moving so quickly that we forget why we're doing anything at all. I think it is so important to slow down sometimes and see the world around ourselves. Slow down and just think about your life, what do you want, are you happy, are you helping others? There really is no reason that we have to rush through life; stop for a minute and enjoy your day for what it is.


stacyZ said...

I am happiest smelling the flowers.


Andrew said...

I'm glad you decided to stop and smell the flowers Stacy.

Go read Stacy's blog at...

moodeous said...

Hi Andrew! :) Thanks for keeping in touch. I LOVE this post and its encouraged me to go outside right now and take some deep breaths. Have a wonderful day!!!