Friday, May 11, 2007

People who inspire me: My Sister Chrissy

Since I am getting ready to go watch my sister graduate from Colorado State University I thought I would write about her. She is graduating tonight with a 3.9678 or something like that GPA, she is about .1 away from graduating with the highest honors; with a double major. And while she is extremely happy, she wishes her GPA was a perfect 4.0. I have no idea where her life is going to take her, I do know however she is going to be wildly successful, and it is because she never settles. I think this is one aspect that sets great people apart from average ones. She expects the highest from herself and everyone else, she doesn't like anything less than her best. Some people would call that being a perfectionist, I think it is being great. She is an incredibly hard working person, and when she sets her mind to something she will accomplish it. She graduated in four years, with a double major and spent an entire semester in Spain.

She is very passionate about many things and I know that she is going to help so many people in her life. Her major was in health and exercise science with a nutrition concentration and she wants to help people eat better and live healthier lives. She has been accepted to a great internship in Denver where she will be helping the city try and become the healthiest in America. She is going to be a great asset to that organization and they are incredibly to lucky to have her.

We are only about three years apart in age so we spent a lot of time together when we were kids. Playing outside on the swing set, flooding the sandbox, riding our big wheels; heck we even shared a room together for a few years. Those are some of my fondest memories of my childhood, playing without a care in the world. I am so proud to see her graduate tonight, she has worked so hard to get to where she is, and she still has so many more things to accomplish. I am incredibly lucky to have her as a friend and a sister. I wish her all the luck in the world and love her very much.

This is actually an embarassing picture of both of us...

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