Sunday, May 13, 2007

People who inspire me: My Mom

Seeing as it is Mother's Day, I thought it a good time to talk about my mom. Sometimes I wonder what I would do without my mom, she is always the one person that can make you feel better. Sometimes just hearing her voice on the phone can make my day better. She has the sweetest heart and is the most kind and generous person that I know. She is the type of person who would invite anyone into her home to feed them dinner. She loves everyone she meets and she is never in a bad mood. She is eternally optimistic and can and will find the positive in any situation. Heck, when she goes to sporting events, she usually cheers for both teams.

She always has a way of knowing the perfect thing to say, and somehow she always knows what I am really thinking. She was the first one to ask me "are you in love?" just months after I met Jessica; my answer was yes, and we all know how that turned out. She welcomed Jess into our family with open arms and has loved her like another daughter ever since. She has this way of simplifying things and getting right to the core of people and their emotions. She is an incredibly emotional person, movies, weddings, funerals, everything will make her cry, and she is never embarassed by it. I hope that everyone had the chance to see their mothers today, and I deeply admire anyone who has had to live their life without their mom. I don't know how I would do it.

Thanks Mom for everything you have done, and everything you will do for me. I am so grateful and thankful to truly have the greatest mother in the world. I am so glad to have someone in my life who is one of my biggest fans, one of my best friends and who also happens to be my mom. I love you mom.

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