Wednesday, May 09, 2007

People who inspire me: My Dad

As I said a few days ago I am going to start posting about the people in my life who inspire me, there are many people but I am going to talk about the most important. This list is in no particular order, so here it goes.

As I sit here and begin to type it is almost 7 p.m. and my dad is still out working. He and my uncle are starting their 25th year in business as Schaefer Lawn Sprinklers Inc. and he works just as hard now as he did then. Without fail, my dad gets up every morning and has a purpose and goals for his day. He doesn't let things sidetrack him, he is the most dedicated and driven person that I know. I have often heard a quote that says the hardest thing to do is build a successful business and a great family. My dad either never heard this quote or didn't care. As successful as his business is, he has created an even better family (actually he and my mom created our family, but I will talk about her later.)

My dad has always been one of my best friends, in fact he was the best man at my wedding; there was no one else I would have wanted there with me. My dad has taught me so much over the years, more than I can list here. But at the most basic he has taught me how to be a great man and husband. He is still teaching and I know I will have things to learn from him for the rest of my life.

I can remember one of our first hunting trips together, I was about 5 years old and all I remember was how much I enjoyed the time with my dad and the time in the mountains. We have since taken those trips every year, sometimes four or five of them, and I look forward to those trips all year long. My passion and love of the outdoors came directly from my dad, and for that I am very thankful.

My dad is an exceptional motivator, he understands people and knows what makes them tick. He knows just the right buttons to push to get people to reach their potential and then how to make them go even farther.

Henry J. Heinz, of Heinz ketchup, once said, "to do a common thing uncommonly well brings success." This always reminds me of my dad, starting a business, having a family, doing a triathlon (yes at age 55 he is in better shape than me) these are things that everyone does. But he is successful because he does everything uncommonly well.

I could write for hours, and hours, about my dad. But his passion and dedication to everything in his life is unmatched, he doesn't settle for anything less than his or anyone else's best. I love him very much and I am so thankful and grateful for the things he teaches me, he is my best friend, my hunting partner, my business advisor, my best man and most importantly, my dad.

1 comment:

Mikey said...

It's funny that you posted about your dad today because I was going to ask you about him this morning! Sarah and I went on a bike ride last night and happened to notice that your dad's office is literally 2 blocks away from our house. His office is at Mississippi and Eaton, right? I'm at Arkansas and Eaton. Crazy stuff!