Barack Obama is a very electric speaker, it's impossible not to listen to him and be motivated by what he says. He is incredibly charismatic and I believe he is very genuine. His personality is probably his biggest asset. His main campaign theme is "change" and breaking away from the status quo of the last few years.
I have always believed that no matter what your political inclinations are, you should take time to listen to what the other side has to say. Not to be argumentative, but to learn more about their position. I think this is important on all kinds of issues, not just politics. I'm not sure who is going to get the nomination, or who will be our next president; however it wouldn't surprise me if it was Barack Obama.
I took this picture with my phone so you will have to forgive the quality. This was the overflow room; there were probably close to 15,000 people who came out to see and hear him today.

If you have the chance in the next few months to see any of the candidates I would recommend it. It was an exciting and fun atmosphere and I'm very glad that I went.